A Prophetic Word From The Lord!

Rise of the Prophets

There is a remnant of prophets and prophetic intercessors arising that will carry the prophetic forecast of what God is doing now in these last days, for the body of Christ. These prophetic vessels will understand the times and seasons they are in and know what to do in seasons of opportunities.

The type of prophets and prophetic intercessors that are coming are the Issachar prophets and intercessors who will possess supernatural intelligence by the Holy Spirit to position the body of Christ for glory, seasons of favor, and revival.

Who is Issachar?

Issachar was peculiar, and a small tribe of Israel who possessed a special prophetic anointing to discern and predict spiritual movements, patterns, seasons of wealth, and acquisition. Issachar was one of the 12 sons of Jacob who founded the 12 tribes of Israel. He was the fifth son of Leah; Issachar is a masculine name of Hebrew origin. Translating to “his reward will come.” Each of the 12 sons of Israel received a prophetic blessing and impartation from their father Jacob. The blessings contained prophetic data for each of the tribes. The tribe of Issachar, Jacob prophesied, “Issachar is a strong donkey, lying down between two burdens” (Genesis 49:14).

Like a strong donkey, the Issachar prophets and prophetic intercessors will carry the burden of the Lord in their hearts to pray and prophesy until everything that God has destined His people to do comes to pass. According to Ezra 6:14, the Israelites continued their work and were greatly encouraged by the prophesying of the prophets. The prophetic ministry and ministry of prayer are key to sustaining and maintaining revival, seasons of breakthrough, and divine blessings.

Gifts & Office of Issachar Prophets

These Issachar prophets and intercessors will have an anointing to pray through and prophesy hidden riches in secret places. The Issachar prophets and intercessors will be able to:

  • Understand the seasons of God and will be able to properly foretell the prophetic timetable of God for man to possess the promises of the Lord for your life and those you are called to bless.
  • Detect, see, and stand in the gap for believers to receive their just reward through prayer and intercession.
  • Break down demonic blockages with the truth of God’s Word and prayer – There are many who were waiting on their prayers to be answered, and there are many believers who have tilled the ground and planted seeds but harvested little or nothing. These prophetic intercessors will help you to reap what you’ve sown.

The Character of Issachar Prophets

Issachar prophets and intercessors will be strong, mighty, and robust, able to bear burdens for others and for the Lord and to see supernatural breakthroughs. These rising prophets and prayer warriors will be humble and strong bondservants of Christ, walking in love, able to labor in prayer to get instant results for families, cities, regions, churches, ministries, and nations.

These prophetic men and women of God will have the prophetic office to do spiritual and great exploits in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

God’s Promise to the Issachar Prophets

“10 Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’”

Isaiah 41:10

God is going to give these prophets and intercessors the prophetic advantage to help you overcome personal struggles and financial lack. Get ready to receive full compensation for what you have been laboring for in prayer with blood, sweat, and tears. Your labor will not produce lack, but abundance.

Issachar Anointing at SOPAR

Here at SOPAR International Ministries, we are honored to have an (Issachar Prophet) Prophet Judah Angelos, a prophetic Man of God, endowed with profound moral and spiritual insight and knowledge. Who also possesses the supernatural ability to prophecy about past, present, and future events, and is able to locate spiritual blessings according to God’s will.

Glory to God for unleashing the Issachar prophets and prayer warriors that will reveal, warn, educate, and deliver His people in times like these.

Are you an Issachar Prophet or Intercessor? Come join us at SOPAR International Ministries. Click here for directions or more information.

Are you an Issachar Prophet or Intercessor?

Come join us at SOPAR International Ministries. Click below for directions or more information.